Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Week 14- Girls Can Have Muscle Too And Sleds Aren't Just For Santa Apparently.

As I lie here reflecting on this past week, lots of things come to mind. For one, I am so sick of women making other women feel bad about lifting weights. I just can't even believe that there's this stupid stereotype that if you lift weights and get stronger, that you're gonna become a man. Look people....if you eat a lot of food..I mean a lot....and lift a ton and mix that with some testosterone, than will look scary and no one will recognize your phone voice, but what world are we living in that god forbid a woman can do a real pull up or she strives for more than just making dinner and cleaning up after her messy ass family. And if you're the person that said Courtney Mahaffey looks "bulky" then SHAME ON YOU....let me introduce you to Courtney....She works out and she's a stud and if this is "bulky" then we're all fucked.

Courtney, I love you for allowing me to use you to educate stupid people..thank you very much.

Moving on...I, for what ever reason, had a really annoying week and it took everything I had to not break open a bottle of wine or stuff myself with cake. But I didn't....I realized that that will only destroy what I've worked so hard for these past 14 weeks. But in my defense, when pulling up to get gas and putting the nozzle in my gas tank and pressing that "lock" so you dont have to hold it (which by the way, NEVER works), someone poked holes in the hose because gas was spraying out sideways and all over my damn clothes and I literally had to hose my full dressed body off on the side of the 76 station. I cant make this shit up...And to make it worse, I was on my way to an important meeting for my beauty business smelling like a gas station. Hours later my child threw my phone at my face and broke a beer bottle all over the floor....who'd a known a 1 year old could be an abusive alcoholic.

In light of the 9/11 anniversary , I have put my life in perspective. It's easy to be overwhelmed and feel like you have no alone time as a parent and a wife and struggle with the dreams that we, as once independent women had. I am trying to support my husband with his dreams, raise my child full time at home, also have my own business, so I am contributing to this world and making myself the best that I can be inside and out. This shit's tough...But I realize that there are people in this world who have huge heartbreak and survived unimaginable loss or gave birth to a child with an illness and I, right then and there, stop....stop complaining, stop feeling sorry for myself and move forward. I focus on the positive and I thank the universe for the life I've somehow created for myself...all of the paths that led me here...and I can't help but smile.

But oh ya....this is a fitness blog not a "bring the house down, talk about depressing shit blog" sooooo back to me and my body....

This week Geoff once again added some ridiculous shit. He bought a sled...And I don't mean a really cute, red Santa Clause situation. I mean a silver, sled shaped thing that you put extra weight on and push it forward while running. And if that weren't bad enough, he added pushups and overhead ball situps in between. Oh, and don't forget about the extra cardio and classes I'm taking each week. Im 14 weeks out, sooooo I guess we have to turn this shit up! My food has changed a little as I'm not eating any dairy, carbonated drinks, processed food, sugar ( I still have fruit) or alcohol. I friggin miss cheese....and wine...and red velvet cupcakes.....damn, why is life so cruel.

This is what I'm eating until Geoff tells me I can't , which by the way, will ruin any chance of him getting laid...just sayin....don't fuck with my peanut butter ;/

Rice Cake with 1 tbs Peanut butter and 1 tsp honey
Tea with Splenda

2 peanut butter balls

Kale Salad (fuji apple, sunflower seeds, olive oil, balsamic, lemon) with 4 oz chicken
3 Omega 369 capsules (one with each big meal...damn horse pills if you ask me)

Snack: Protein shake with water and 1 cup of berries

 Taco bowl- 6 oz ground turkey, 1/2 cup brown rice, 1/2 cup black beans and salsa

I actually look forward to some of my meals and when you haven't had sugar your once "really gross chocolate protein shake" is now actually really darn good. And the 3 days of extra cardio has really helped my endurance in class. To all you Train Insaners, if you lag in the metcons or running is really a challenge for you, get out for 30 minutes 3 days a week and run or ride your bike....I swear it's made a huge difference in how I feel at the gym. But if you ride a bike, use a damn bike lane....I hate that shit.

Nighty Night,

Insane Bikini Momma


  1. I love the tangent way in which you blog, It's fantastic. You really need to step it up a notch and think about a book. I know with all you've got going, it's daunting to consider, but there is a bigger audience out there for you. Take more photos by the way, in the event you do publish a book, because no one will believe this shit when you walk on to that stage at the end of the year without them. I love the line about your 1 yr old alcoholic. Priceless. Another even better thought is to take this to the comedy clubs. Imagine the first "fit mom" in stand up. All the shit one has to deal with as a new mom while losing her lbs without losing her mind, while maybe standing there in your lil bikini contest suit. With the pageant banner. It would draw in huge crowds and it would be so fresh and new. You are too talented and too funny and too pretty not to attempt some show business before all that gets too old. Jenny McCarthy got nothing over you! I love you!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I seriously agree with your mom Hannah!! You crack me up. I look forward to reading your blog every week :) I lost 35lbs a year ago or so, but have wanted to lose that 10-15lbs that is just so damn annoying! I work out a gym similar to Train insane with group training classes and I love it. The food the hard part :) Anyway, keep up the good work, you are amazing and inspirational! And P.S. your kale salad sounds delicious, im totally trying that this week! xoxo
