Sunday, June 16, 2013

Dear week 2, I kicked your little ass!

Woohoo! Another week down! I'm feeling great (aside from being constantly sore) and stayin super strict on my food. I have a lot of people asking me how I'm staying away from sweets and all I can say is I guess I've given up so many good things lately that I figure what's one more sweet to not have or one more glass of wine to pass on, and on top of it, those are the things that have hindered my success and put me in this miserable place. So I love em, but I fuckin hate em!

I wanted to share that I got pretty creative this week. My girlfriend wanted to do lunch out at Gabby's in the Orange Circle on Saturday for her birthday and all I could think about was," FUCK! amazing chips and salsa and margaritas in my face all afternoon!?? Ahhhh!!!" I just couldn't risk being a failure if I had a weak moment worse case, so I offered to host the lunch at my house! I mean, who would turn down an adorable girls luncheon hosted by one of your best friends?! NO ONE! And I prepared little sandwiches, salads, and sliced fruit...along with a cheesecake (ya someone else brought that...fuck you Ashlie ;) and bottle of champagne for the bday girl! I measured my food before hand and ate it on the same plates as everyone else at the same time and no one looked disgusted or died....I also realized how much damn food I regularly consume at parties and half the time I'm not really even hungry its just an activity (note to self: bring apples to apples to next party).

When Cara and I were discussing food, I literally needed her to set me up with exactly what I was supposed to eat....not that shit with calories and fats and proteins written down...I needed the "this is what you put in your mouth at this time" plan. You know, for dummies..(Cara will tell you that this is not a good idea because you need to "learn how to eat according to your calories," but I will tell Cara, "look bitch, im a sleepless, stressed out, multi tasking, now calorie deprived chubby mom of a 10 month old, so write it down!") So, we met somewhere in the middle and we mapped it out :)

 Now, I'm not gonna lie and say I LOVE the chicken I get to eat twice a day...pretty sure I choke it down...but I feel better in my clothes so I'll get over it. One of our members asked me the other day how I can cook on Sunday and have that food the whole week...I mean, what if Wednesday I wanted something else? Well, here's the thing I've learned...your flat abs and toned butt don't give a shit what else you want on Wednesday. Sooooo, we gotta suck it up and put our fitness panties on and deal with it! (I sound like such a professional :)

Personally, coming from someone who isn't naturally a fitness girl or lover of the gym, I think the key is to put your business out there and make yourself accountable.  It's easy to give up or lose motivation if no one knows what you're trying to accomplish, and signing up for something whether a show or photo session or booking a vacation in a tropical place and buying the suit of your dreams is an absolute MUST!!!! Who the hell is going to sign up for a bikini contest or pay for a pinup photo session and show up chubby!!! NO ONE!!! BUT! You have to pay for it in advance so you're in it to win it!!

Lastly, since I have no shame, I've included my really before( ignore the nipple pads), kinda before and in the process today pics (don't judge) for you to check out. I'm posting these to also hold me accountable, because I don't want to have to post my "after" looking like one of these! So, since I've got a lot of work to do I'll be ending this post and heading to the gym....good evening wall balls, pull ups and piece of shit burpees! Bikini show! bikini show! bikini show!

 September 30th, 2012 (Colton 6 wks old)                  

March 12th 2013

June 16th 2013


  1. Wonderful blog my Hannah! Keep up the good work! I understand completely where you are in your journey for a "better you", and it comes with a whole lotta temptation, as I too, love my sugar and my sweets. And as I've never been one to love working out in a gym environment, longing more rather for an outdorr activity like running or horseback riding or hiking to stave off the calories, I kniw that in order to be accountable, you really must make that exercise a real priority. particularly when you have a wee one. And how fantastic that you have Geoff's support and your very own gym to assist you! I suggest you get outside as ofte as possible, dolaps in that pool of yours early in the morning, take runs with Colton in that stroller, hike with that backpack, and take up some hobbies when you're home to keep yourself away from the kitchen and snacking. Now is the time to learn to sew! Make that slipcover for that bedroom chair!! I love you!! And you look beautiful!! In any weight, you are beautiful because you are so very kind and good and funny and darling and sweet. But, I'm your Mama and I love you, even if you don't win some bikini contest.
